Camp stove shelf

Quite a while ago my wife bought a camp kitchen table that folds up compactly (more or less like this but not this brand.) It’s really handy but it has a flaw. The camp stove we use fits on the right hand side but there is no place for the propane bottle to sit. It normally just hangs off in space unsupported. It can get bumped and loosen and is just generally in the way. ...

Cube Puzzle

I got this puzzle for xmas a couple of years ago. As is normal for me, I tried half-heartedly to solve it by hand while immediately scheming a way to solve it programmatically. I had totally forgotten about it because it got buried in our game closet but I found it a couple of weeks ago while looking for something else. I realized I had never solved it so I set about writing a python script to do it. ...


One of the crafts that my wife enjoys is weaving. She has a small tabletop loom that she bought several years ago and last year I made her an inkle loom so she can make bracelets and webbing. There is also the craft of using very small looms that are just for hand weaving small patches. She bought a set of these a while ago and while they are nice, they are sort of expensive for what they are. ...

The first program I got paid for

My initial programming experiences were with an Apple ][e in the fall of 1985 when I was a sophomore at a small town Kansas High School. (Freshmen weren’t allowed to take programming.) Only 2 classes were offered so I was effectively done after 2 years. I kept programming though because I loved it and I bought an Apple //c before I bought a car. There was a certain type of program that I liked to write when I was bored. ...

OSS contribution without installing a compiler

At $WORK we use Kubernetes and Vault and we are considering using vault-crd to turn Vault paths into Secret resources in our cluster for certain applications. I helped evaluate it and I found a couple of bugs which I created github issues for. I really wanted to try the new versioned secret engine because it was similar to a home-grown app configuration system we had written. I enabled the versioned engine on a new path in our Vault cluster and tried out some examples with vault-crd. ...

fr1st p0st

I bought another domain. yikes! But this time I set up Hugo and Netlify and hopefully that will remove the friction from my ability/desire to post. ...